33 ulubione płytty z 2008 moje. [W nawiasach zagrane dziś numery].
33. J. Tillman - Vacilando Territory Blues [All You See]
32. Cat Power - Jukebox [New York]
31. Callers - Fortune [Rone]
30. Sons of Noel & Adrian - Sons of Noel & Adrian [The Wreck Is Not a Boat]
29. Samamidon - All Is Well [Wedding Dress]
28. Lykke Li - Little Bit EP/Youth Novel [Little Bit]
27. Misophone - Be Glad You Are Only Human [As She Walked Out Of The Door]
26. Juvelen - 1 [Hanna]
25. Q-Tip - The Renaissance [Shaka ft. President Barack Obama]
24. Forest Fire - Survival [Fortune Teller]
23. Deerhunter - Microcastle [Microcastle]
22. Zomby - Where Were You In '92 [We Got The Sound]
21. Air France - No Way Down EP [Collapsing At Your Doorstep]
20. Ilya E. Monosov - Seven Lucky Plays, Or How To Fix Songs For A Broken Heart [The Burning Flame]
19. Pop Levi - Never Never Love [Never Never Love]
18. Lil Wayne - The Carter III [Tie My Hands ft. Robin Thicke]
17. Rio En Medio - Frontier [Heartless]
16. Pit Er Pat - High Time [Trod A Long]
15. Dead Western - Soften Your Screams Into Sings [Abandoning Offering, A Prelude To]
14. Library Tapes - A Summer Beneath The Trees [The Modest Triumph]
13. Lord Skywave - Lord Skywave [Something]
12. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular [Electric Feel]
11. Wildbirds & Peacedrum - Heartcore [The Battle In Water]
10. Wild Beasts - Limbo Panto [Please Sir]
9. Atlas Sound - Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel [Recent Bedroom]
8. Jeremy Jay - Airwalker EP/A Place We Could Go [Airwalker]
7. Jacaszek - Treny [Rytm To Nieśmiertelność II]
6. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles [Good Time]
5. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP/Fleet Foxes [White Winter Hymnal]
4. Rockettothesky - Medea [Call Medea]
3. Chad VanGaalen - Soft Airplane [City Of Electric Light]
2. The Walkmen - You & Me [In The New Year]
1. Small Sur - We All Live In Houses Made Of Wood [Everyone]
Zappraszam od 2 do końca. W Trójce.
p i ę k n i e ! ! !
OdpowiedzUsuńale high places?? :(
calkie calkiem. jest kilka punktow stycznosci.
OdpowiedzUsuń4. Chad VanGaalen - Soft Airplane [City Of Electric Light]
OdpowiedzUsuń3. The Walkmen - You & Me [In The New Year]
2. Small Sur - We All Live In Houses Made Of Wood [Everyone]
1. Maciek Lisiecki - Oh, Man! [Struggle on Koźla St.]
no wlasnie o ta stycznosc z brukiem traktu na kozlej mi chodzilo;p
OdpowiedzUsuńhalo, a dowload?!
OdpowiedzUsuńwłaśnie, wlaśnie, publicznośc pokornie prosi o download, czekam już trzecią dobę aż się pojawi
OdpowiedzUsuńgive it to me, baby.......... aha! aha!